White Papers

Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS): Applications in Protein, RNA/DNA, and Nanostructure Analysis

Joshua Carter, CEO of Helix BioStructures

1.  Abstract

SAXS is an advanced structural biology method commonly used to investigate and identify structural information of biomolecules in solution. This white paper illustrates how SAXS is being used as a form of analysis where other methods like crystallization or cryo-EM have failed and also as a way of enhancing these other methods. Also, we explain the existing applications of SAXS inRNA/DNA and nanostructure studies.

Since SAXS does not depend on the samples being frozen or crystallized, it is suitable for the analysis of flexible, dynamically changing, and/or heterogeneous samples in the near-native state. SAXS has been used for decades as a proven method for investigating proteins, nucleic acids, and nanostructures and as a supplement to high-resolution techniques.

This paper also explains how SAXS can help determine optimal protein constructs for X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM and how it can be used in functional analysis when other techniques fail to produce results. We shall also discuss the Batch modeSAXS and SEC-SAXS (Size Exclusion Chromatography coupled SAXS) and the development of the technique in the pharmaceuticals industry.

2.  The Role of SAXS in Protein Construct Optimization

An important use of SAXS in structural biology is the optimization of protein constructs for X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM. At the beginning of structural studies, researchers may prepare several constructs of a target protein with different domain boundaries, linkers, and tags. SAXS is anon-invasive method that is fast and can give information about the shape, size, and flexibility of the constructs in solution as well as their oligomeric stateto select those that are most likely to give good quality crystals or cryo-EM averaged data.

SAXS is especially helpful in identifying regions that are able to move or are unstructured, which may negatively impact the process of crystallization or cryo-EM. Through the comparison of SAXS data with computational models or predictions, the constructs are optimized in order to increase stability and reduce heterogeneity. This process not only enhance the chance of getting good crystal or cryo-EM results but it also avoids the waste of time and resources on hit-and-miss attempts.

3.  Functional Studies When Crystallization and Cryo-EM Fail

SAXS is essentially used in the analysis of the proteins that cannot be subjected to crystallization or study by cryo-EM due to one reason or the other. In such cases where these high-resolution techniques are not applicable, SAXS can still give essential information concerning the protein form, conformational variations, and interactions with other molecules. For instance, SAXS is widely used in study of the domain-type proteins or protein complexes which have a flexible joint or a transient association, which is difficult to determine by crystallography or cryo-EM.

SAXS can also used to study the structural transitions occurring in response to alterations in the exterior conditions like pH, temperature or binding of aligand. These studies are crucial in order to provide a better understanding of the protein behavior in a more native state. Besides, the SAXS data can be further combined with other methods including NMR or molecular dynamics simulations for the construction of elaborate models of protein associations and conformations.

4.  SAXS Applications in RNA and DNA Analysis

4.1 RNA and DNA Structure Determination

Although SAXS is mainly used for proteins, it is also capable of giving information about nucleic acids’ shape and folding and RNA and DNA assembly in solution.Information on the conformation of RNA and DNA in solution is vital in the understanding of their roles in the cell and therefore the structure analysis of RNA and DNA in solution is important. While crystallography needs one to have crystals that are orderly, SAXS can handle nucleic acids whose structuresare not always fixed.

One of the recent developments of SAXS in RNA research is the analysis of RNP complexes where the RNA strand is known to be in more than one conformation or interacts with proteins in a transient manner. SAXS helps the researchers to observe these conformational varieties and therefore, provide insights into theRNA–protein interactions. Likewise, SAXS has also been applied in the study of the interactions between DNA and proteins whereby one is able to know how DNA bends, twists or coils around proteins in different states.

4.2 Comparison of SAXS with Other Techniques

SAXS has the following advantages over the conventional techniques used for RNA and DNA analyses. For instance, while cryo-EM has brought new possibilities for the study of large RNA structures, it may be ineffective for flexible or small RNA structures. On the other hand, SAXS can effortlessly analyze these molecules in solution and thus provide the supplementary data that help to understand their structure and behavior. Moreover, SAXS can be employed in association with other methods, for instance FRET or NMR, with a view of getting a more complete view of RNA and DNA dynamics.

5.  SAXS in Nanostructure Analysis: Liposomes, LNPs andOther Particles 

5.1 SAXS for Liposomes and other Lipid Particles including LNPs

SAXS has turned out to be a useful method in characterizing liposomes, LNPs and other nano carriers used in drug delivery and vaccine development. Such nanostructures can be lipid bilayers or other amphiphilic molecules forming vesicles, micelles or other more elaborate structures. SAXS gives a very precise information about the size and the shape of these particles and their internal structure which is important for their proper preparation and application.

For instance, SAXS can be applied for the determination of the liposomes bilayer depth, diameter of the vesicles and the organization of their content. It also can be used for the optimization of the properties of these vesicles for particular uses. Likewise, in the case of LNPs which are well known to deliver mRNA in vaccines SAXS can give information on the encapsulation efficiency, stability as well as release profiles of the cargo. This information is useful in the development of efficient and safe delivery systems.

5.2 Advances in Nanostructure Analysis Using SAXS

SAXS technology has enhanced considerably in the current years; this has enhanced its accuracy in analyzing nanostructures. Synchroton sources with high brilliance, new generation detectors and elaborated data treatment methods permit today a more precise analysis of complicate nanostructures. For instance, time-resolved SAXS (TR-SAXS) allows one to investigate the processes of formation or disassembly of nanostructures in real time. This capability is particularly useful for the understanding of the dynamic behavior of nanostructures and their responses to changes in environment or interactions with biological species.

Also, SAXScan be carried out in conjunction with other methods like cryo-EM or neutron scattering to give a better view of the nanostructure structure and behavior.These multimodal approaches will be indispensable in the further development of pharmaceuticals where the behavior of nanostructures in the biological space is of crucial importance for the design of the therapy.

6.  Batch Mode SAXS vs. SEC-SAXS: A Comparative Analysis

6.1 BatchMode SAXS

In Batch mode SAXS samples are measured as such without any prior processing to separate the components. This approach is rather simple and useful for neat, monomer samples only. However, in Batch mode SAXS, one can have mixed or aggregating samples and this may lead to confusing patterns in the data. In such cases the SAXS profile is a mixture of all the species that are present in the solution and may hide the fine details of the individual species.

6.2 SEC-SAXS(Size Exclusion Chromatography Coupled SAXS)

SEC-SAXS addresses the limitations of batch-mode SAXS by combining SAXS measurements with size-exclusion chromatography (SEC). In this method, the sample is separated into individual components by running it through an SEC column that separates each component based on size. SAXS data is then collected for each fraction as it exits the column. This approach is particularly valuable for analyzing unstable or heterogeneous samples, ensuring the collection of high-quality SAXS data for each component.

SEC-SAXS is especially effective for studying complex systems such as protein complexes, aggregates, or mixtures of proteins, where detailed information about individual components is crucial. It also enables the detection and analysis of minor components that may be present in small quantities but hold significant importance.

6.3 Advantagesof SEC-SAXS

The most important advantage of SEC-SAXS over Batch mode SAXS is that the former can facilitate the separation of different species in a mixture hence improving on the data accuracy. This is especially important in the pharmaceutical industry where the precise assessment of the properties of the biomolecular assemblies, aggregates or drug delivery systems is crucial to the understanding of their behavior and performance. Moreover, SEC-SAXS minimizes the likelihood of getting artifacts from aggregation or other forms of sample heterogeneity therefore can be considered as a more robust method for structural analysis.

7.  Application of SAXS in Drug Design and Development

SAXS has increasingly been used in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in the characterization of drug targets, studying biomolecular interfaces, and drug carriers mechanisms, among others. SAXS’s prime advantage over other methods is its ability to track the changes in conformation of the targets while in the presence of ligands as well as identify the sites and mechanisms of protein binding.

SAXS is also commonly applied to investigate the structure of protein-drug conjugates and their stability that are of critical importance for the development of biologic and antibody-based therapies. Thus, the information obtained from SAXS experiments allows the researchers to create the therapies which are effective and do not cause any side effects.

8.  SAXS in Quality Control and Formulation

SAXS is very useful in the quality control of pharmaceuticals as well as in the preparation of nano-carrier drug delivery systems such as liposomes, lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), polymeric nanoparticles, etc. It helps by determining the size and shape of these particles during the production/formulation process and thus ensures that products are uniformly produced and meet the safety and quality requirements.

In addition to that, SAXS is used more and more often in high-throughput screening platforms to investigate drug formulations, excipients and delivery systems.This is especially helpful in the pre-clinical phase of drug discovery since the capacity to assess several lead candidates in a short time can greatly enhance the process.

9.  Future Directions

It is expected that the future applications of SAXS in pharmaceuticals will be facilitated by technological developments such as enhanced synchrotron radiation, enhanced detectors and advanced data processing utilities. It is anticipated that these enhancements will lead to enhancement of resolution and sensitivity of SAXS thus enabling one to investigate more complicated systems.When combined with other structural biology methods such as X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM and/or NMR, SAXS is even more powerful and hence its utility in drug discovery and development is more pronounced.

10. Conclusion

Small-angleX-ray scattering (SAXS) is a highly advanced method in structural biology and is used more regularly in the field of pharmaceutical drug development. It is used for various purposes, including identification and optimization of protein constructs for X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM, studying  RNA/DNA and nanostructures in solution. This paper also compares Batch-mode SAXS and SEC-SAXS to show how the two can be used effectively in various conditions. Advances made in the SAXS technology are assisting in the enhancement of drug discovery, quality control, and formulation thus enlarging the role of structural biology and therapeutics development.

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